
The Palace complex, Kabah, Yucatan, Mexico

Kabah is a Mayan site located in the Yucatan peninsula.

It’s connected to the site of Uxmal by a sacbé, a white road used for ceremonials.

The architecture is in the Puuc style.

The site was inhabited between the 3rd century BC and the 11th century AD.

Most of the constructions on the site date back to the 9th century BC.

The place has a special energy, it’s a few miles from Uxmal and can be visited fairly quickly. I strongly recommend it to anyone going  to Uxmal.

On a sunny day the green grass, the blue sky and the orange trees create the perfect counterpoint to the stunning buildings.

The Palace complex, Kabah, Yucatan, Mexico

The principal building is the Palace of the Masks, dedicated to the hook-nosed rain god Chac.

The site sits on a 2500 acre conservation area and the ruins extend on both side of the highway.

Kabah is situated right next the Mérida-Campeche road just 12.4 miles (20km) south of Uxmal. By car, Kabah is about 75mi (120km) from Campeche on the MEX 261 and about 80mi (130km) from Mérida on the MEX 261.

Buses run to Kabah from both Campeche and Mérida.